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Underrated games

Underrated Games and Hidden Gems

Gaming, General, Industry

There is a reason that mainstream games are the most popular purchases in the gaming market, they’re good. From the overwhelming graphics to the well thought out story lines, these big names such as Assassin’s Creed and Fallout naturally have the income to be pouring substantial amounts of detail into each aspect of their game. Unfortunately, not everyone has the resources to either market their creations or put as much money into each minor aspect to catch the attention of the media the proper way. This doesn’t mean there haven’t been some incredible games out there that have been produced, they just have simply slipped through the cracks. After some research, we’ve come up with our own list of a few games that deserve their time in the limelight after all this time.

Teraway Unfolded

From the creators of Little Big Planet, this platform-adventure style game received a 4/5 rating from MetaCritic and is currently on Amazon being sold for a measly $19. The exclusive PS4 game was released on September 8th, 2015 which takes place in a world entirely made out of paper. The overall goal of the game is for the messenger (you as a player) to deliver a message to the portal that has been revealed in the sky, while fighting off Scraps that have been released from the same hole. With the interactive style of play that allows you to spotlight objects and create new paper paths using the light on your dual shock controller, the liberating idea behind the paper world received high approval from critics, but never quite caught on with consumers.

Teraway Unfolded


Some may argue that this multi-platform first person shooter is far from under rated, but according to Steam, the game has rapidly decreased in sales since its initial release date. The name of the game gives the overall plot itself, to evolve from what we previously were.  Set in a future time, humans discovered a way to thrive on planets outside of Earth where you are placed on the planet Shear, where you will then begin develop it. You are then introduced to the antagonist of the game, monsters, who can evolve themselves from feeding on the local wildlife around them. When these monsters begin to take over the planet, a retired warrior by the name of William Cabot is called on to assemble a team and guard the colonies of the planet. Evolve sits at the reasonable price of $11.69.


Titan Souls

Acid Nerve produced Titan Souls and released it on April 14th, 2015 to the Windows OS X and PS4 platforms. The original reception for the game was good but less than great, but after researching, we found that this game was not only mentioned on multiple underrated lists, but also topped a few of them.  The open-world, 2-D action-adventure features one single player that has the sole goal of revealing his enemy’s weak point. The way to expose this is by shooting the monsters with his bow and arrow, but the catch is that he must be stationary to shoot making him very vulnerable. Titan Souls is currently priced at $14.99.

Titan Souls

Bad Rats

Bad Rats may or may not be looked at as one of the most underrated games of all time. When mentioned on forums about the biggest Steam sleeper picks. This physics puzzle game that features a pack of angry rats looking for revenge on their captive, the cats. With over 44 maps ranging in all difficulties and 10 uniquely angry rats, this game allows you to strategize anyway possible to deliver a bouncing ball that will decimate our feline friend. You can purchase this 2009 puzzle piece for the small price of $.99 for your Windows XP or Vista operating system.

Bad Rats

Daniel Oswald

Howdy! Dan here. I love to laugh, sing in the shower, and dance like no one is watching. Blog writer extraordinaire and sushi fanatic.

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